Davenport Car Accident Attorney

Davenport Car Accident Attorneys

Our Skill Can Help Get You Compensated

After a car accident, you might be told by the other driver’s insurance company that you do not have a claim, or you should not file a lawsuit because it is “too much trouble.” You should not listen. You should always explore your options after being in a crash, especially if you were seriously injured.

LaMarca Law Group, P.C. in Davenport would be honored to be your choice of car accident attorneys after being in a wreck that someone else caused. We fight auto insurance companies all the time, so we know their usual tactics and tricks. Let us stand up for you from start to finish.

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See if you can demand compensation after a car accident. Call (515) 705-0233 now.

Investigating the Cause of Your Crash

To build a strong car accident claim on your behalf, we need to get a full understanding of what happened to cause the crash. We can use our decades of collective legal experience to find convincing evidence of liability that shows you did nothing wrong. We can even network with various third-party experts to make your claim even stronger, like speaking with medical doctors who can attest to the severity of your injuries. No matter what, we want to make sure that we are giving your claim its best chance of succeeding.

Common causes of car accidents that we can uncover in an investigation include:

  • Drunk driving: All it takes is one alcoholic beverage to impair a driver’s abilities. If the other driver was arrested for drunk driving or told you that they had a drink shortly before the crash, then it could be to your claim’s advantage.
  • Distracted driving: A driver who is not paying full attention to the road is dangerous to everyone on it. Driver distractions can take many forms, such as using a cellphone, changing the music, talking with a passenger, eating or drinking, reading a billboard, and more.
  • Reckless driving: Breaking the speed limit, changing lanes without using indicators, and tailgating are just three examples of reckless driving, which is one of the leading causes of car accidents across Iowa and the country.
  • Auto part defects: In some car accident cases, there is no driver who is to blame. Instead, an investigation will reveal that a defective auto part caused the driver to lose control and crash.

What to Do After a Car Accident

What should you do after being in a car accident? Other than trying to stay calm, it is important to follow a certain set of steps if you want to file a strong car accident claim later.

Your case will be stronger if you were able to take these steps after a car accident:

  • Call 911: Whenever there is a crash that causes a serious injury or significant vehicular damage, you should call 911 to summon emergency responders to the scene. Later, our attorneys can speak with the police officers, firefighters, and EMTs to get their reports of what they witnessed.
  • Get information: You cannot file a claim against the liable driver if you do not identify them. You need to get identifying and insurance information from all other involved parties.
  • Take photographs: Pictures are incredibly valuable for building a case with tangible evidence that cannot be so easily dismissed by the defense. Please allow our Davenport personal injury attorneys to review any photos of the crash scene using your smartphone.
  • Talk to witnesses: If eyewitnesses and other drivers stopped to help after the crash, then we would like to talk to them to see if they saw something important that you missed.
  • See a doctor: You should always see a doctor after a crash, even if you feel fine. Go to urgent care immediately if you are not taken to the emergency room. A doctor can diagnose any injuries and put them in your medical record, which proves when and why they happened.

What Does Auto Insurance Cover?

You could be feeling like you are in a financial pit after a serious car accident. To get out of it, filing a claim against the other driver’s auto insurance policy might be the best and only option. But what can you expect to get to recover through a successful car accident injury claim?

Typically, the core of the damages owed to our car accident clients relate to:

  • Medical costs: Medical treatments for severe injuries caused by a crash can be extensive and expensive. The full amount of all the costs – including past and future treatments – should be fully covered by the liable party’s insurance.
  • Lost wages: If you cannot return to work for some time because you are too injured, then the paychecks that you miss while injured can be added to the value of your claim. Its value can also be increased if your future income earning capacity has been diminished due to a permanent disability.
  • Pain and suffering: Non-economic damage related to your pain and suffering can be added to the value of your car accident claim. Calculating the value of non-economic damage is usually done by totaling your other damages and multiplying it by an amount that fairly reflects what you have endured.

Property damage – like repairing or replacing your car – is not technically part of an injury claim. Instead, it is handled as a separate property damage case. Talk to us if you need help understanding your options to pursue property damage.

Start & Finish Your Case with Our Help

Every aspect of your car accident case can be handled efficiently and professionally by our team of attorneys at LaMarca Law Group, P.C. in Davenport. You do not need to worry yourself with all the details, not when you have us on your side. From the first minute you hire us, we want to make sure you are comfortable and confident in your case’s chances of success. We know how much the outcome of your case means to you and your future, so we will fight tirelessly to not let you down.

Stand up to the auto insurance company with our help. Contact us for a free consultation.

Car Accident FAQ

What happens if I am partly to blame for the crash?

Do you think you might have partly caused your car accident? Do not admit to any wrongdoing to the other party or an insurance company. You never know what an investigation will uncover. You could be 0% liable. However, if you are partly liable, you can still file a claim as long as you are less than 51% liable.

When do I tell my insurance company that I was in an accident?

You should tell your auto insurance provider about your crash the same day that it occurred. You do not need to divulge many details that that time. Simply tell the insurer that you were in a crash that someone else caused. Next, call us, and we can guide you through future interactions with either insurance company.

Is apologizing after a car accident a bad idea?

As polite as you might be, you should resist the urge to apologize or say that you are sorry after a car accident. If the other insurance company hears that you apologized, it will try to distort the words into an admission of guilt and then pin all the liability on you.

What signs of pain should you monitor after a car accident?

An injury suffered in a car accident might not show immediate symptoms. It could be an underlying injury that worsens gradually with time. Pay attention to headaches, shoulder pain, back pain, abdominal pain, and any emotional hardships similar to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in the days and weeks after your crash. If they worsen or become more frequent, then please seek immediate medical attention.

LaMarca Law Group

Our Promise to You
  • Over 100 Years of Experience

    Our dedicated Iowa attorneys have been protecting the rights of injured Iowans for decades giving us the knowledge and skill to successfully advocate on your behalf.

  • Available 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week

    We have the largest plaintiff law firm in all of Iowa meaning that at any time of the day or night, there will be someone available to answer questions regarding your case.

  • We Handle All the Details

    From the moment you call our office, our team is dedicated to handling any of your legal needs in house from beginning to end. All you have to worry about is your recovery. We take care of the rest.

  • Full- Service Law Firm

    Whether you were injured at work or because of someone else's negligence, our full-service law firm has the knowledge and the skill to successfully advocate on your behalf.

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