People often hesitate to contact an attorney, even though in the back of their minds they know that there are legal issues involved, insurance issues involved, but there is really only one time to contact an attorney and that’s the earliest possible time after you’ve had a serious injury or a wrongful death in your family. That’s because from the beginning there are going to be a number of things that have to be handled in a timely fashion and have to be handled right the first time. You have insurance issues, you have economic issues, investigation issues — all of these things come into play and need to be done correctly with the appropriate professionals. That’s what we do, that’s who we bring together. We can talk to you about the best way to process your medical bills, which insurance company to submit them to. We can document the evidence we ultimately know will be necessary either in negotiating a successful settlement or being successful in court if that’s where your case is best served. So these are all things that only a trained legal professional can provide to you. There are a number of questions that people don’t even realize they need to ask, much less know about. Once they or a loved one has been a victim of a serious injury or a wrongful death, that’s why we're here. We have a tremendous amount of experience, a number of professionals in a number of areas, that no matter what you need, can provide it.