If you are struggling to receive fair payments from your insurance company, the Des Moines insurance lawyers at LaMarca Law Group, P.C. are ready to help.

Des Moines Insurance Attorneys
Fighting for the Compensation You Deserve
When you have suffered a serious accident, injury, or another calamity, the last thing you need is a fight with your insurance company. Unfortunately, despite what their commercials may imply, your insurer is not really there to help you during a difficult time; they are there to turn a profit. A review of case law reveals many instances in which insurance companies have denied valid claims from their loyal clients.
We will put our extensive legal experience and knowledge to work for you.
Call us at (515) 705-0233 today to learn how we can help you receive justice.

Cases We Handle
Insurance disputes can happen with almost any kind of insurance, though some are more common than others.
At LaMarca Law Group, P.C., some of the common kinds of insurance cases we handle include:
We have previous experience with a variety of insurance companies such as State Farm, Washington National, Allied, American Family, and more. Don’t let the size of your insurance company intimidate you from taking legal action. Whatever your situation, LaMarca Law Group, P.C. can walk you through your legal options.
Contact Us
You do not need to let manipulative or outright fraudulent insurers take advantage of you.
For experienced assistance with your legal claim, contact the Des Moines insurance attorneys of LaMarca Law Group, P.C. at (515) 705-0233. Your initial consultation is free.
What is Insurance Bad Faith?
Insurance bad faith is a problem that occurs all too often in the United States. It occurs whenever an insurer fails to honor a claim for unfair reasons. Sadly, many unscrupulous insurers are more interested in earning a profit than honoring contracts; they assume their customers will not have the resources or the willingness to fight back.
The law requires insurers to act with good faith, which means that they are to keep their word in any contracts they make with policyholders. LaMarca Law Group, P.C. is ready to hold dishonest insurance companies accountable for their actions and demand performance under the agreed-upon policy.
Insurance companies have used many tactics to avoid paying for claims, ranging from the subtle to the obvious.
Let us help you and your family fight for the insurance payments you need.
You may want to speak with a Des Moines insurance attorney if you suspect you have been the victim of tactics like:
- Failure to fully and properly investigate a claim
- Refusing to settle a case brought against an insured party
- Refusing to pay benefits equal to the full value of the customer’s loss
- Delaying payment of a claim for an unreasonably long time
- Interpreting the language of an insurance policy in an unreasonable manner
- Denying benefits that should be paid
- Asserting wrongly that a given loss is not covered by the policy
Our Des Moines insurance lawyers simply want insurance companies to honor the contracts they have made with their clients. We use all of the legal resources at our disposal to accomplish this.

Our Attorneys
At LaMarca Law Group, P.C., our attorneys focus on each client’s background, needs, and goals to determine the best course of legal action for you. We devise practical, result-oriented strategies and solutions tailored to accomplish optimal results in every case. We are champions for our clients and strongly believe that you should be able to trust your attorney to be there as an advocate and companion throughout the legal process.

Our Main Priority is Your Success
Over 100 Years of Successfully Defending the Rights of Iowans
Our top priority is to devise customized legal strategies that are tailored to the unique legal needs of our clients, no matter how simple or complicated their situations, might be.
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