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Driver Confesses to Involvement in Injurious Hit and Run Crash


The driver responsible for a hit and run crash in Des Moines called to confess his involvement, KCCI News reported on January 12.

According to the police, 19-year-old Des Moines local Samuel Kascoutas called the authorities to admit his guilt in the crash that critically wounded 49-year-old Roberta Schulte, also of Des Moines, at around 8:16 p.m. on Ingersoll Avenue. According to reports, Kascoutas panicked after the collision and left the scene.

Police spokesman Sergeant Jason Halifax said evidence at the scene of the accident suggests that the crash was an unintentional act. However, Kascoutas leaving the scene may result in charges.

Police authorities said they have yet to determine certain circumstances surrounding the accident, such as why Schulte was walking in the road.

If you have been injured due to the negligent actions of other people in Des Moines, get in touch with our attorneys at LaMarca Law Group, P.C., by calling our offices today at (515) 705-0233.
