Des Moines Intentional Harm in a Nursing Home Attorneys
Making the decision to put your elderly loved one in a nursing home is difficult. While many people wish they had the time and ability to take care of their aging loved ones, it is just not a possibility in many cases. As such, many people opt to put their loved ones in nursing homes, trusting that the staff and administration are going to take care of them and treat them properly. Disappointingly, many elderly patients left in nursing homes are abused and subjected to intentional harm that leaves them coping with unexplained injuries. If you or a loved one has suffered intentional infliction of physical harm at the hands of a nursing home staff member, or there are unexplained injuries, please contact the experienced and aggressive attorneys at LaMarca Law Group, P.C. today.
Contacting an attorney if your loved one is suffering from nursing home abuse is important so that you can make sure the abuse stops immediately. Additionally, your loved one and family may be entitled to compensation. While we understand that money will not undo the harm suffered by your loved one, it can help to ensure they are better cared for in the future.
The highly qualified and compassionate Des Moines intentional harm in nursing homes lawyers at LaMarca Law Group, P.C. have been serving the area for over 25 years. Our attorneys are highly regarded by both peers and clients, and we have collected millions of dollars in verdicts and settlements for those we represent. You can trust that we won’t stop fighting for you until you get the compensation you deserve and we ensure that the abuse of your loved one is ended.
If a loved one has suffered intentional physical harm or has unexplained injuries, contact LaMarca Law Group, P.C. today by calling (515) 705-0233, filling out a contact form, or starting a live chat on our website now.
Nursing Home Abuse
The number of elderly citizens in the United States is growing annually. Studies estimate that over the next 40 years, 19% of the population will be over the age of 65. The growing elderly population ultimately means that more people will find themselves in nursing homes. Alarmingly, the abuse of the elderly population and those in nursing homes are quite common.
It is reported that as many as 24.3% of nursing home residents are physically abused each year, and up to half of nursing home staff admit to having abused a resident in some way. A survey of nursing home residents found that up to 44% of residents reported being abused at some point during their nursing home stay, and another 95% reported they had witnessed the neglect of another resident. Some of the issues leading to nursing home abuse include the following:
- Nursing homes being understaffed
- Employees with negative attitudes
- An administration that does not screen staff well
- An administration that ignores complaints by the residents or their family members
- An environment where hostility is tolerated
Nursing home abuse may occur in a variety of ways, including the intentional infliction of physical harm and unexplained injuries. If you have a loved one residing in a nursing home, be on the lookout for abuse and contact us at LaMarca Law Group, P.C. immediately if you suspect wrongdoing.
Unexplained Injuries
Unexplained injuries to nursing home residents can be a sign that they have suffered from intentional infliction of physical abuse or neglect. Unexplained injuries can result from any of the intentional infliction of physical abuse causes listed above, and they may also be a consequence of the nursing home staff’s neglect.
Staff, such as caregivers and aides in nursing homes, can be neglectful of patients for a few different reasons. Many times, nursing homes are understaffed, leaving the people who are there with too much work to do on their own. Additionally, nursing home staff and residents may have language barriers that make it hard for them to communicate. These things can mean that the needs of the residents are not being met, as there is no one available to help with basic essential parts of life, such as getting water or nourishment or getting to the bathroom without falling.
Neglect is dangerous because it can lead to serious medical conditions, such as:
- Bedsores
- Infections
- Dehydration
- Malnutrition
- Broken bones
- Head injuries or trauma
If your loved one has unexplained injuries and is being neglected, the nursing home administration and staff may be liable for any harm or injuries suffered.
In the event your loved one has an unexplained injury, do not stand idly by, as this can be a sign of intentional infliction of physical harm or neglect. If you notice your loved one exhibiting any signs or symptoms of abuse, contact LaMarca Law Group, P.C. to help end your loved one’s suffering.
Contact Us
Trusting another party with the care of your loved one can be difficult, and finding out that your loved one is being intentionally harmed and is suffering from unexplained injuries is heartbreaking. If your loved one is suffering at the hands of nursing home staff, do not let the abuse continue.
Contact the compassionate and experienced nursing home abuse attorneys at LaMarca Law Group, P.C. today by calling (515) 705-0233.

Intentional Infliction of Physical Harm
Sadly, intentional infliction of physical harm happens in nursing homes with some degree of frequency. Residents of nursing homes are at risk of suffering physical harm from staff and even from other nursing home residents. The intentional infliction of physical harm is not only something which may entitle the victim to monetary compensation but can lead to criminal charges against the perpetrator, which can result in jail time and fines.
Things that can constitute intentional infliction of physical harm include:
- Slapping
- Punching
- Tripping
- Kicking
- Pulling hair
- Excessive use of straps, chains, or other restraints
- Withholding prescribed medicine
- Administering medicine that is not prescribed
- Deprivation of nutrients, including food and water
Additionally, any time the wrongdoer intends to commit an act that ultimately causes harm to the patient can constitute intentional infliction of physical harm. This is true even if the wrongdoer did not intend to cause harm. As long as the wrongdoer intended to commit the act that caused the harm, they can be liable for intentional infliction of physical harm.
Some common signs to look for to determine if your loved one has been the victim of intentional infliction of physical harm include the following:
- Unexpected signs of restraints on arms and legs, like bruising and blistering
- Staff members’ reluctance to leave you alone with your loved one, or your loved one refusing to speak when staff members are present
- Unexplained injuries, such as broken bones, torn ligaments, bruising, sprains, scars, sores, and cuts
- Reports of refusal to take medicine, or overdoses
- Head injuries or fractures
- Severe infections
- Excessive weight gain or loss
- Atypical demeanor or unexplained personality change, such as a once outgoing person becoming quiet or seeking isolation
- A sudden and unexplained fear of being touched by others
If your loved one is exhibiting any of these symptoms or other behavior that may indicate they have suffered from intentional infliction of physical harm during their residency at a nursing home, contact the highly qualified and compassionate attorneys at LaMarca Law Group, P.C. to help end your loved one’s suffering.